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As you can tell from the name of our website, we are dedicated to raising awareness for alternatives to prisons.

Let me be clear. Prisons are good for one thing and one thing only: to train future prisoners. Have you ever noticed that people who go to jail are likely to end up in jail? This is not an accident. This is part of a pattern. Unfortunately, we live in a society where the root cause of this pattern is completely neglected, and it’s all by design. It’s as if the moment a crime and are punished for it by going to jail, you are written off the rolls or roster of polite, normal, law-abiding society. It’s as if you are damaged goods, and this is the biggest challenge to the prison system.
Nobody is disputing that there has to be some sort of punishment for crime. Nobody is disputing the fact that if you do the crime, you have to pay the consequence. The issue is, is prison the right answer?
It’s important to understand that the vast majority of people who commit crimes do not commit that same crime again.
Statistically speaking, people who commit crimes habitually are actually in the minority. They really are. Of one hundred prisoners, maybe twenty to thirty percent will commit crimes over and over again. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a felony or a misdemeanor. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a high crime or it’s a petty crime. They will commit crimes over and over again.
The vast majority, however, don’t. Basically, they operate on a one-and-done basis. They just do things once, and they’re done, and it really is a case of throwing the baby out with the bath water when you continue to punish the 70% for the rest of their lives.
At the Prison Moratorium Project, we are firm believers in the claim that prisons create more problems than they sole. The way they operate currently in the United States and other countries is that they are a finishing school for criminals. There’s really no other way to describe them. Somebody might come in as a juvenile for some sort of petty crime like spray painting a wall or vandalizing a car in a minor way, but since that person has been tagged as a problem youth and is subjected to increased levels of police scrutiny, there’s a higher chance that person will find himself or herself back in the criminal justice system. This can continue again and again and again.
Throughout that process, the crimes that this person is being charged with becomes more and more serious. Somebody might come in with shoplifting and then after enough time of going in and out of detention and prison, they end up with murder.
That’s how society has written off a large chunk of its members because they happen to have a bad day, made a bad decision, and they have to live with this for the rest of their lives. It’s as if we are pushing them through this lifelong series of stigma to go back to jail and get trained for worse and worse crimes.

Remember, jail is where all the criminal contacts are being made. If you come in for petty burglary, it's not unusual for you to meet up with people who are there for drugs.
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Once you make those contacts, you can easily pick up the phone once you’re out jail and become a drug dealer because you already have the contacts.
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What happens when you get picked up for drug charges? That’s right. The prison sentences are longer, and the consequences are heavier.
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Prisons, the way they are run now and the way they are conceptualized and implemented, are simply one-way tickets to a destroyed life.
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The Prison Moratorium Project is built on the assumption that there is a better way. This is not just an empty assumption, mind you. There are other models out there.
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In the Scandinavian countries, for example, the focus is on reform. The focus is on looking at behavioral bases that result is antisocial behavior. As much as we'd like to avoid it, a lot of people who end up in prison are not criminals, but are sick people. Maybe it's a function of a bad childhood. Perhaps it's a function of drug addiction or substance abuse. Possibly, it's a function of being of the wrong mental and emotional coping mechanisms. Whatever the case may be they were at the wrong place, at the wrong time, doing the wrong things, through the wrong people, and they end up behind bars.
Now, the question is what are we going to do as a society about it?

Are we going to perpetuate this process of starting them out young, throwing them out of prison once their terms are up and not give them a job.
In the United States, once you commit a crime and you’re a felon, in many states, you cannot vote. In many states, your job prospects are seriously diminished. It’s as if we have systematically frozen these people out of society. They’ve already paid for their crime. Are they faced with the prospect of having to continuously pay for that crime for the rest of their lives?
In effect, that’s the kind of system that we have, and that’s why the Prison Moratorium Project exists. We’re all about opening people’s eyes and minds to potential alternatives. At the very least, we would like to wake people up to the realization that maybe the prison system is not the best idea.
Perhaps the way our punishment and reward system as a society is set up currently is far from ideal. Possibly, as far our other social ideals and values and priorities are concerned, there is a middle way.
We’re all about opening discussions. We’re not necessarily talking about slapping people on the wrist or telling them that what they did is nothing to worry about. That is not our point. In fact, that’s not our case at all. Our case is that if you want to solve a problem, don’t come up with a “solution” that would actually blow up the problem and make it worse.
Unfortunately, the current system is that broken. It creates more problems than it claims to solve. It’s a nonstarter.
The One Downside to Mixing Your Own E-Juice You Can’t Underestimate
It’s very easy to see and understand the advantages of mixing your own e-juice instead of buying e-juice from www.eliquid-depot.com. First and foremost, you get a tremendous amount of control. You know your personal preferences. You know your sense of smell and taste better than anybody else. You are your own person.
This is all well and good on paper, but you have to understand that most commercial products out there are based on the path of least resistance. In other words, most products are formulated to meet the average consumers’ taste preferences.
These manufacturers are not looking to produce products that would fit everybody to a T or provide fulfillment and enjoyment. It will cost them too much money to do that. Even coming up with a research required to pull that off can cost a pretty penny. Instead, they’re just looking for the average experience.
And this is why a lot of people are dissatisfied. Sure, they may be using the same e-juice product over and over again. In fact, it may seem like they can’t get enough of it. They’re doing it all day, every day.
But at the back of their heads, they know that it’s not the right fit. It doesn’t exactly fit them like a glove. Given a choice, they would rather pick something that would truly appeal to their sense of taste and smell.
Not surprisingly, there’s a movement of vaping fans who have discovered the distinct joys and charms of mixing their own e-juice. They just can’t get enough of custom-formulated e-juice because it smells just right, it tastes just like heaven, and it doesn’t have that nasty off-taste or lingering aftertaste.
You have to understand that what kills many e-juice formulations for a lot of people is not necessarily the taste itself. Most people love the taste. The problem is the aftertaste or how it feels in their mouth. Given these realities, there’s a tremendous amount of people mixing their own e-juice.
There seems to be a growing trend in a wide range of vaping circles to mix your own e-juice. The problem here is, there is one downside that most people really can’t overlook. If they overlook this, they might find themselves in a situation of spending too much money and wasting too much time only to end up with nothing at all. I am, of course, talking about the factor of time.
You have to remember that everybody is different. Everybody has different tastes, everybody has different preferences, and all these differences are embodied in something so personal as the vaping e-juice that you choose to inhale.
You have to remember that things get real the moment you have to make certain decisions about stuff that you’re going to put in your body. Whether you’re talking about food or stuff that you inhale, you have to focus on making sure that it is right for you.
And people are so fed up with the off-taste or the aftertaste of certain or most e-juice formulations that they jump in with both feet. They find out in the worst way possible that you have to invest quite a bit of time in experiment after experiment and document your process.
If you don’t do any of these or you do only one of them, you end up having to repeat the process over and over again. It’s only a matter of time until you spend a tremendous amount of money, only to have very little to show for it.
So don’t underestimate this harsh reality. You have to commit to finding the right taste. You have to commit to making sure that the formulation you come up with can be replicated easily. This requires proper documentation and this requires attention to detail. In other words, it requires commitment.
It’s one thing to say that you’re not exactly satisfied with the products that you consume every single day, it’s another matter entirely to actually do something about it because if you’re going to be doing something at all, you better go all the way. Otherwise, it’s just a waste of time.
It also burns up a tremendous amount of resources and, ultimately, you feel like a loser at the end of the process because you’re not anywhere closer to the solution that you’re looking for. Things still have that weird aftertaste, there might be some sort of bad scent that’s left over, and you find yourself stuck on this treadmill and you can’t seem to get off.